What’s This File? lte_ wp-blockdown.php & wp-blockup.php

If your hosting account contains the following files lte_, wp-blockdown.php or wp-blockup.php – your site may be compromised.

To address the issue, you may consider the following:

Need help? Let us clean your site.

Step 1
1. Backup database and web files using a file manager tool or FTP client.
2. Disable MySQL remote access.

Step 2
Review local files
Check the content for index.php, located in your web root directory.
Example of infected index file: https://gist.github.com/magefix/2ebdbe9996d2bec546745e0f26777aa7

Step 3
Clean local files
If site rebuild still contains plugins or themes from a previous backup, all index.php and JS files may be corrupted as well.
Look for “$botbotbot”, “siteUrlApi”, “chr(” and “bebegim”.

Insert the following script inside the pack.php file and place in your root folder ( /public_html or /httpdocs folder ). This way you can pack all PHP and JS files and scan them locally.

Search and replace tools for malicious strings inside multiple files: dnGrep, grepWin, VisualGrep, PowerGREP.

Step 4
Major update
Perform a major update, making sure core files, theme, and plugins are up to date.
Disable and remove any abandoned or suspicious plugins.

Try our Free site check.

Malicious files:

Malicious domains: jper1.xyz, novs.party.

Look for .php files inside /wp-content/uploads/ folder.

Malicious IPs:,