SiteURL hack mytemplatewebsite[.]com/0.js

We’ve been fixing lots of sites lately, which have siteurl value changed to either:

This hack is a result of the WP GDPR Compliance vulnerability.

To prevent further data loss, you should first backup your database & site files.

Second, you should revert the changes made on wp_options table ( siteurl value ). In most cases, siteurl and home should be the same.

Here are some good tutorials for siteurl change:

Change WordPress Site URL Via phpMyAdmin:
Change and Update WordPress URLS in Database When Site is Moved to new Host:

Siteurl should be changed manually, editing site’s database table wp_options. Look for a record where option_name is equal to “siteurl“.
Note: Changing siteurl using wp-config.php values is not recommended in this case – database will remain infected.

Lastly, you need to make sure that other tables are not affected by the siteurl hack. To do that, you’ll need to use a search and replace tool.

Make sure .htaccess file is malware free – best way to do that is to replace its content with the default source code.

Useful links:
Sucuri labs, Side Effects of the Site_url Hack:
Sucuri scanner:
Cleanup plans:

Let us clean your site

Site_URL hack

We’ve been fixing lots of sites lately, which have site_url changed to either:

To fix
We’ve been cleaning many sites infected by the so-called site_url hack–the result of the WP GDPR Compliance plugin vulnerability.

The sites are broken because their static resource links point to some third party site. However, this is not the only issue. If a user starts to make changes in their WordPress settings or some plugin regularly updates them, chances are the changes will be affected by the new value of the site_url option. In such cases, you’ll have to search the whole WordPress database (or at least the wp_options table) and files on the server for the rogue site_url value in order to revert the changes. For example, this is what your site’s .htaccess file may end up looking like after this hack: